Work Environment |
1. |
In what type of business are you currently employed? |
2. |
In what community, city, or town do you reside? |
3. |
Approximately how many miles do you commute from your residence to your place of work in Sedona? |
4. |
How many minutes does it take you to commute to work? |
5. |
How do you normally get to work? |
If "Other", please specify: |
6. |
What type of employee are you? |
7. |
Are you a seasonal employee, planning to only work in Sedona for a season or two? |
8. |
How long have you worked in Sedona? |
9. |
Do you plan on continuing to work in Sedona for the future? |
Housing Situation |
10. |
How many years have you lived in the Sedona area or nearby communities? |
11. |
What type of residence do you live in? |
12. |
How many years have you lived in your present home? |
13. |
Do you rent or own your residence? |
13a. |
If you rent, what is the monthly rent for your household? |
13b. |
If you own your residence, what is your monthly housing cost (mortgage payment, property taxes, property insurance)? |
14. |
How satisfied are you with your current housing situation? |
15. |
What do you like or dislike about your current housing condition? |
16. |
If you are a renter, do you plan on purchasing a home in the Sedona or Verde Valley area in the next two years? |
17. |
As a lifestyle choice, which do you prefer, homeownership or renting? |
18. |
If you prefer homeownership and are currently renting, what are the obstacles preventing you from purchasing a home? (Check all that apply). |
19. |
How would you describe the physical condition of your current residence? |
20. |
If affordable housing was available in Sedona, would you be interested in living in the City? |
20a. |
If you answered “No”, why would you not want to live in Sedona? |
21. |
Are you planning on moving from Sedona and the Verde Valley for any of the following reasons? (Check all that apply). |
About You |
22. |
Are you: |
23. |
What is your age? |
24. |
How many persons live in your household, including yourself? |
25. |
For statistical purposes, what was your annual household income for 2018? |
26. |
What best describes your household income? |
Please provide any additional comments regarding housing in the Sedona and Verde Valley area. |